According to Dailythanthi news dated 20th January 2016, TNPSC Secretary M.Vijayakumar, I.A.S., has informed that a Group 2A Exam candidate has been banned from writing TNPSC Exam for 7 years. The reason behind the action is that the candidate named Mr.Prem has edited the Group 2A Mark Sheet after downloading it from the TNPSC Website. He has send the edited mark sheet to TNPSC office also. More over TNPSC has complained the candidate to Chennai Police Commissioner. This can be taken as serious warning to all TNPSC aspirants, you must be stay away from these kind of malpractices.
News Source : Dinathanthi News
News on TNPSC Punishment for fraudulent activities / malpractices in the examinations
News on TNPSC Punishment for fraudulent activities / malpractices in the examinations