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TNPSC Annual Planner 2014-2015 Published Check Soon - www.tnpsc.gov.in/annual-planner.html

TNPSC Annual Planner for the year 2015 - 2016 to be published in the last week of January. Read news

TNPSC Annual Plan 2014-2015 published. This year more number of posts are expected than the previous years. The annual planner is of two pages with various vacancies.

You can download the Annual Planner from the TNPSC Website www.tnpsc.gov.in/annual-planner.html.

or from this direct link


 TNPSC has been publishing Annual Plan or Exam Time Table for last two years. This year the TNPSC Annual Plan 2014 is expected to be published before Pongal holidays. This happy news came from TNPSC Secretary Mr.M.Vijayakumar, as stated by a leading Tamil Newspaper.

'TNPSC Annual Plan' - A plan for TNPSC Exam Aspirants

This kind of annual time table will be more useful for the TNPSC aspirants to plan and shedule their TNPSC Exams Preparation. If a candidate prepare 2014 Group 4 Exam in the month of June or July, they can start their preparation from  this january 2014 itself.

What are the Vacancies in TNPSC 2014 Annual Plan ?

The TNPSC Annual Exam planner will have tentative exam date, result date and interview date for various exams like TNPSC Group 1, Group 1A, TNPSC Group 2 Interview/Non Interview Posts, Group 4, VAO, Group 7, Group 8 and more.

Comparison of Last Year Time Table
Last year, for 2013 also TNPSC Published Annual Planner. But many exams were conducted little later than the tentative exam dates given in the annual planner. But no one can deny that those delays also helped the candidates with give more time for preparation.

The TNPSC Annual Planner 2014 Will be Published in the TNPSC Official Website  www.tnpsc.gov.in/annual-planner.html
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