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Welcome to TNPSC Portal !

Dear Friends,

We all know, this year is a milestone in the history of TNPSC.  We could see a rebirth of TNPSC with very new pattern of examinations and fully revised syllabus. Before this, the coaching center trained students could successfully clear the examination easily and the students who didn't get opportunity to join in a coaching center were struggling a lot to get a job in TNPSC.

I strongly believe that, here after we can see number of candidates out of coaching centres. Any one with  sincere efforts, continuous hard work can achieve the success. You can prepare in your home, you may be working or home maker. What you have to do is ....

  • Decide what is your target?(Gr 1, Gr 2, Gr4, VAO etc)
  • Go through the new revised syllabus. 
  • Start with Tamil Nadu State Board Text books 6th-12th Stds. 
  • After completing the text books, collect some more relevant materials related to the syllabus. 
  • Read newspapers daily and take notes of important events in all fields like politics, economics, international relation, awards, new appointments, sports etc.
How TNPSC-Portal Helps you?

  • Comprehensive study material covering all syllabus areas.
  • Daily online tests to test your knowledge
  • Model question papers
  • Periodically updated current affairs.
  • Free on-line guidance
  •  Answers and clarification to your questions immediately.

 What should you do ?

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