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TNPSC Study Materials and Model Question Papers - General Science

UNIT – I - General science ( TNPSC Latest, Revised Syllabus)

  1. Universe
  2. General Scientific laws
  3. Scientific instruments
  4. Inventions and discoveries
  5. National scientific laboratories
  6. Science glossary
  7. Mechanics and properties of matter
  8. Physical quantities, standards and units
  9. Force, motion and energy
  10. Electricity and Magnetism
  11. Electronics & communications
  12. Heat, light and sound-Atomic and nuclear physics
  13. Solid State Physics-Spectroscopy
  14. Geophysics
  15. Astronomy and space science.

  1. Elements and Compounds-Acids, bases and salts
  2. Oxidation and reduction
  3. Chemistry of ores and metals
  4. Carbon, nitrogen and their compounds
  5. Fertilizers, pesticides, insecticides
  6. Biochemistry and biotechnology
  7. Electrochemistry
  8. Polymers and plastics.


  1. Main Concepts of life science
  2. The cell-basic unit of life-Classification of living organism
  3. Nutrition and dietetics-Respiration
  4. Excretion of metabolic waste
  5. Bio-communication


  1. Blood and blood circulation
  2. Endocrine system
  3. Reproductive system-Genetics the science of heredity
  4. Environment, ecology, health and hygiene
  5. Bio- diversity and its conservation
  6. Human diseases, prevention and remedies
  7. Communicable diseases and non-communicable diseases
  8. Alcoholism and drug abuse
  9. Animals, plants and human life
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